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[04-03 15:54:00]   来源:http://www.youer8.com  小学英语课堂   阅读:8135

概要:Unit 1 My classroom(1) window board light picture door floor classroom 窗户 写字板 灯 图画 门 地板 教室 句子: What’s in the classroom ? Many desks and chairs. .(2) computer teacher’s desk wall fan 计算机 讲台 墙 电扇句子: Let’s clean our classroom . ① OK. ② Good idea . ③ All right .(3)Where’s my seat ? It’s near the door. Look at the picture . It’s ni


Unit 1  My classroom

(1) window    board     light    picture    door   floor     classroom

        窗户    写字板      灯        图画        门     地板        教室 

句子: What’s in the classroom ? 

         Many desks and chairs. .

(2) computer    teacher’s desk           wall      fan

        计算机              讲台                       墙      电扇

句子: Let’s clean our classroom .

        ① OK.

        ② Good idea .

        ③ All right .

(3)Where’s my seat ? It’s near the door.

     Look at the picture . It’s nice .


Unit 2  My schoolbag

(1) Chinese   English   math   schoolbag     story-book   notebook

           语文     英语      数学       书包              故事书         笔记本

句子: How many books do you have ?

       ① I have 6 .

       ② Six .

(2)     bag     pencil      pen     book     ruler  pencil-case

         书包      铅笔      钢笔     书本     尺子     铅笔盒

句子:  May I have a look ?

          Sure, here you are .

(3) twenty  thirty   forty    fifty

      二十     三十   四十    五十

句子: What colour is it ?

         It’s yellow .


Unit  3  My friends

(1)   long     short       hair     thin      strong      quiet

        长的     短\矮     头发    瘦的     强壮的    文静的

句子: Who is he ?  He is my friend .

(2)    music       science     sports      computer game    painting

          音乐        科学          运动            电脑游戏              画画

句子: My friend likes music .

(3) teacher         student       boy      girl     friend

       老师               学生        男孩     女孩     朋友

句子:  What’s her name ?

① Her name is Amy.

② She’s Amy .


  What’s his name ?

① His name is Zhang Peng .

②  He’s Zhang Peng .


Unit 4  My home

(1)    study     bathroom    bedroom     living room      kitchen

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