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[01-22 22:28:48]   来源:http://www.youer8.com  三年级英语课程同步   阅读:8607

概要:Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit1 In the children’s garden(2)Period 2Language focus:The usage of wh-question to find out specific informatione.g., What can you see?I can see…Language skills:ListeningIndentifying the key words by listening to the pronunciatione.g., slide, swing, seesawUnderstanding the meaning of wh-questionse.g., What can you see?SpeakingPronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctlye.g., slide, swing, seesawUsing modelled phrases to initiate


  Module 3 Places and activities

  Unit1 In the children’s garden(2)

  Period 2

  Language focus:

  The usage of wh-question to find out specific information

  e.g., What can you see?

  I can see…

  Language skills:


  Indentifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation

  e.g., slide, swing, seesaw

  Understanding the meaning of wh-questions

  e.g., What can you see?


  Pronouncing the key words, phrases and sentences correctly

  e.g., slide, swing, seesaw

  Using modelled phrases to initiate and engage in an interaction by providing a response to factual questions

  e.g., What can you see?

  I can see…


  Students’s Book 2A:pp.27,28and 29

  Workbook 2A:pp.27,28and 29Parts B,C,D and task


  Cassette 2A

  Flashcards 2A (slide, swing, seesaw,mouse,net)

  ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeCharacteristic modification, the teaching introspects

  Pre-task preparationQuick response:

  What can you see?

  I can see…

  Show pictures of toys and objects that the students have learnt before.

  Ask the students some questions. 检测学生学习情况,通过快速回答反映,展示学生的学习效果。创设情景,让学生在情景中运用知识。

  Look at the viedo of the garden:


  What can you see?

  I can see a …

  知道这是询问对方看见什么的问题,其答语就一般是I can see ….

  What colour is it?

  It’s …

  知道这是询问对方这是见什么颜色的问题,其答语就一般是It’s ….

  Make a short dialogueHave the students work in pairs to complete the pictures in ‘Play a game’ on Student’s Book page 27. Then check answers with them.

  I can see …

  It is …


  Workbook page 27Have the students complete Part B ‘Listen and match’ on Workbook page 27.


  While-task procedurePage 28 Listen and enjoyHave the students listen to the recording and read the ryhme. Do some actions.让学生边读儿歌,边做动作,使学生不会感到枯燥,更容易记忆儿歌。

  Workbook Page 28Have the students complete Part C ‘Read and colour’ and Part D ‘Read and write’. Check the answers with them.


  Letters: Mm and Nn

  Mouse netShow the flashcards of the two words for mouse and net.

  Have the students listen to the recording for the rhyme on page 29.


  Post-task activityWorkbook page 29

  Do Task ‘In the children’s garden’Ask them to choose and colour two objects, and then talk about them.


  HomeworkListen and read after the recording of p28,29

  Copy the letters Mm, Nn and words mouse,net

  今天的英语课是要学习和使用两个问句:What can you see? 和 What colour is it ? 由于这2句问句最好结合实际的场景来教学,因此我设计了幻灯片,创设了贴近生活的场景,让学生们在相互交流中不断地熟悉句型,增进友情。


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