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概要:上海版牛津英语6A第二单元单词1. other adj. 其他的;pron. 另外,其他常用搭配:* one, the other 一个,另一个 (用于总是为二的时候,the other 表示剩下的最后一个,为特指)* some, (some), others 一些,另一些 (并没有具体说明数量是多少,用于举例说明,others 不是特指)e.g.: 1) I have two friends. One is a girl, the other is a boy.2) There are many students playing on the playground. Some are playing football, some are playing basketball, others are running.2. friendly adj. 友好的* be friendly to sb. 对某人友好注:以 ly 结尾的形容词容易被误认为副词,一般情况下:形容词 + ly = 副词 quickly, happily名词/动词 + ly = 形容词 lovely



  1. other adj. 其他的;pron. 另外,其他


  * one, the other 一个,另一个 (用于总是为二的时候,the other 表示剩下的最后一个,为特指)

  * some, (some), others 一些,另一些 (并没有具体说明数量是多少,用于举例说明,others 不是特指)

  e.g.: 1) I have two friends. One is a girl, the other is a boy.

    2) There are many students playing on the playground. Some are playing football, some are playing basketball, others are running.

  2. friendly adj. 友好的

  * be friendly to sb. 对某人友好

  注:以 ly 结尾的形容词容易被误认为副词,一般情况下:

  形容词 + ly = 副词 quickly, happily

  名词/动词 + ly = 形容词 lovely, lonely, lively

  3. kind  adj. 友好的,宽容的

  * be kind to 对某人友善,宽容

  * It is kind of sb. to do sth. 某人的某行为很友善

  kindness n. 仁慈,善行

  be kind to = show one’s kindness to

  4. helpful adj. 有帮助的,乐于助人的

  be helpful to sb. 对某人有帮助

  反义词:helpless adj. 没用的

  help v. 帮助

  help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事

  help sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事

  5. environment n. 环境(自然环境,生活环境)

  protect the environment

  environmental adj. 环境的

  environmental problem 环境问题


  6. pollute v. 污染

  pollution n. 污染

  polluted adj. 受污染的

  e.g.: The polluted water is polluted by the industrial pollution. 这些污水受到工业污染。

  7. keep v. (系动词)保持;保存

  keep + adj. 保持某种状态: keep healthy 保持健康

  keep + n. 保存某物 keep (a) secret 保密

  8. leave v. 留下

  leave sb. alone 不管,不干涉某人

  e.g.: Don’t leave me alone. 别不理我。/ 别丢下我一个人。

  leave for sp. 动身去某地

  e.g.: I am leaving for Hangzhou tomorrow. 明天我要去杭州。

  9. promise v. / n. 承诺,保证

  promise sb. to do sth. 答应某人做某事

  (a) promise is (a) promise 一言既出,驷马难追

  promising adj. 有前途的

  10. discuss v. 讨论

  discuss sth. with sb. 与某人谈论某事

  discussion n. 谈论,讨论

  have a discussion with sb. 与某人进行讨论

  11. reuse v. 再利用

  前缀 re- 表示“再,又”

  replay 重播

  retell 复述

  review 复习

  12. look after 照顾

  = take care of

  13. pick up 捡起,拾起

  pick sb. up / pick up sb. 载某人,接某人

  14. each other 相互

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