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Unit 2 在机场同步辅导

[01-22 23:57:04]   来源:http://www.youer8.com  六年级英语课外辅导   阅读:8982

概要:How long does it take| to travel to the airport?We should arrive at the airport |before one o’clock in the afternoon.We are going to leave home|at eleven thirty|in the morning.Ask and answer1 表格下方的文字All passengers must arrive at the airport two hours before the departure time.意思是“所有的乘客必须在飞机起飞前两个小时到达飞机场。”2 2.50p.m.是指“下午两点五十分”,应读成two fifty p.m.,9.10a.m.是指上午九点十分,应读成nine ten a.m.。3 Flight No.意思是“航班号”。Look and learn1 a passport(护照)是用来证明某人是某国公民身份的,一般

Unit 2 在机场同步辅导,标签:六年级英语辅导,http://www.youer8.com

  How long does it take| to travel to the airport?

  We should arrive at the airport |before one o’clock in the afternoon.

  We are going to leave home|at eleven thirty|in the morning.

  Ask and answer

  1 表格下方的文字All passengers must arrive at the airport two hours before the departure time.意思是“所有的乘客必须在飞机起飞前两个小时到达飞机场。”

  2 2.50p.m.是指“下午两点五十分”,应读成two fifty p.m.,9.10a.m.是指上午九点十分,应读成nine ten a.m.。

  3 Flight No.意思是“航班号”。

  Look and learn

  1 a passport(护照)是用来证明某人是某国公民身份的,一般在出国时需要使用。

  2 a boarding card(登机牌)是机场为乘坐航班的乘客提供的登机凭证,上面有座位号等信息。

  Listen and say

  1 Have you brought your passport yet?[你们(已经)带了护照了吗?]此句是现在完成时的一般疑问句。

  2 Have you got your boarding cards yet?[你们(已经)拿到了登机牌了吗?]注意:have got在此句中是get的现在完成时,根据上下文也可以理解为“有”,相当于have。例如:Have you got a book?(你有一本书吗?)但此时句子中通常没有yet。

  Ask and answer

  -Have you brought a camera yet?

  -Yes,I’ve already brought a camera.

  -Have you written down Aunt Judy’s address yet?

  -No,I haven’t written down Aunt Judy’s address yet.


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