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[01-22 23:57:21]   来源:http://www.youer8.com  六年级英语课外辅导   阅读:8859

概要:写出下列形容词和副词的比较级和最高级。fast ______ ________wide ______ _________ easy _______ ________small______ ________ large________ _________ dirty________ ________long ______ ________ rude _______ __________ busy_______ __________hot________ ________ thin________ _________ fat _______ ___________few _______ ________ good________ _______ little________ _________badly________ _______ far________ ________ difficult_________ ___________用所给形容词和副词的适当形式填空。Which lesson is __________ (difficult) in Book 2?Al



  fast ______ ________wide ______ _________ easy _______ ________

  small______ ________ large________ _________ dirty________ ________

  long ______ ________ rude _______ __________ busy_______ __________

  hot________ ________ thin________ _________ fat _______ ___________

  few _______ ________ good________ _______ little________ _________

  badly________ _______ far________ ________ difficult_________ ___________


  Which lesson is __________ (difficult) in Book 2?

  Alice writes _____________(carefully ) than I.

  This story is ____________( interesting) than that one.

  That was one of _________( exciting) moments in 2008.

  This kind of food must be ________ ( delicious )than that one.

  Beihai park is one of ____________ (beautiful ) parks in Beijing.

  Who‘s ________(careful), Tom,Jim or Kate?

  That is ________(easy) of all.

  He is __________(clever )boy in the class.

  John is ________( short) than Tom.

  She is _________(pretty)girl in the group.

  Which film is __________ (interesting),this one or that one?

  Can you show me________(near) shop here?

  This bridge is as _______ ( long) as that one,but it is much ______ (wide) than thao one.

  I thind English is one of _________ (important )subjects in middle school.

  I am only one year ________ (young) than you

  在下列句子中填入than,as ,of 或in.

  This table is as big _____ that one.

  The red book is bigger _______ the blue one.

  John is the best student _______ the class.

  The lesson is more interesting ________ that one.

  The apple is the largest _________ all the apples.


  这本书比那本书好多了。This book is _____ _____ _______ that one.

  这块月饼大,那块更大。This mooncake is ________.That one is _______.


  Jim is ______ ______ _______ _______ ______ in his class.

  所有铅笔中这支铅笔最长。The pencil is _____ _____ ______ _________.

  在学校里我们英语老师最忙。Our English teacher is ____ _______ in our school.

  两个男孩中李雷个子高些。Li Lei is ______ _____ _______ the two boys.


  The question is ______ _______.Everyone can answer it.

  黄河是中国第二长河。The Yellow River is ______ ______ ______ river in China.

  梅梅的帽子比苗苗的新。Meimei‘s hat is _______ ______ ________.

  夏天上海比吉林热。In summer it is _____ in Shanghai _______ in Jilin.

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