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Unit8 Open Day教学设计

[04-03 14:52:11]   来源:http://www.youer8.com  小学英语教案   阅读:8175

概要:教学内容:Part B and C教学目标:1、掌握四会单词a chair, a blackboard,a computer, a picture, a bookcase, an office, a playground, 及三会单词a classroom, a music room。2、掌握四会句型What’s in …? There’s a ….There are some ….3、熟悉歌曲:In the classroom.教学重点:掌握四会单词和句型。教学难点:能熟练运用所学单词和句型进行语言交流。教具准备:大小纸盒各一个,磁带,录音机,图字卡,糖果,苹果,挂图教学过程:Step 1:Warming up1.Greetings2.Free talk(教师出示水果、食物卡片)(1)What’s this\that ? It’s a\an …(2)What are these\those ? They’re … 3.Sing a song: In the classroom.Step 2:Presentation1.(出示小纸盒)a. T: Look, I

Unit8 Open Day教学设计,标签:pep小学英语教案,人教版小学英语教案,http://www.youer8.com


Part B and C


1、掌握四会单词a chair, a blackboard,a computer, a picture, a bookcase, an office, a playground, 及三会单词a classroom, a music room。

2、掌握四会句型What’s in …? There’s a ….There are some ….

3、熟悉歌曲:In the classroom.








Step 1:Warming up


2.Free talk(教师出示水果、食物卡片)

(1)What’s this\that ? It’s a\an …

(2)What are these\those ? They’re …

    3.Sing a song: In the classroom.

Step 2:Presentation


a. T: Look, I have a small box. What’s in the box ? (摇摇盒子)

       <板书> What’s in …?    …… 有什么?


T: Let’s have a look.(打开盒子)

Oh, there is an apple .

<板书> There is ….    有……。


     b. Make some sentences, such as:

           What’s in the pencil box?

There’s a pencil.

Pay attention:不可数名词当作单数来处理。

2. 用大盒子学习句型“There are some …”,方法同上

There are some grapes.

       Make some sentences, such as:

           What’s in the school bag?

There’re some books.

设计意图: 两个盒子,一下子吸引了学生的注意力。盒子里分别放了一个苹果和一些糖果,通过打开两个盒子,学习句型,让学生对“There be”句型能轻松地理解与接受。同时后面的句型操练使用的是学生的文具盒和书包,与实际相联系,让学生有话可说。

3. 介绍there be结构。

a. There is后接可数名词单数,不可数名词当作单数来处理。

There are后接可数名词复数。

b. (将苹果和糖果都放入大盒子里)

   T: There is an apple and some sweets.

      There are some sweets and an apple.


      学生看黑板,找规律,何时用“There is”,何时用“There are”。



4. Today is “Open Day”. <板书课题> Unit8 Open Day 讲解领读。

Look ,this is our classroom. Let’s have a look.

T: What’s in our classroom? (事先在教室里准备好椅子、电脑、图片)

Review the words: a chair, a bookcase, a computer.

Learn the new words about our classroom: a picture, a blackboard.

a. Read and spell

b. Ask and answer:

A: What’s in the classroom?


B: There’s a …\There are ….

5. T: And what’s in our school ?

Learn the new words about our school:

a music room, an office, a playground.

a. Listen to the tape and read after it.

b. Read after the teacher.

c. Read and spell

d. Ask and answer:

A: What’s in the school ?

B: There’s a …\There are …


6. Let’s read the new words.


7. Work in pairs

(1) Look at the picture 1 and do a model.(师与一生合作)

(2) Work in pairs and act.

8. 拓展练习。


a.    师生之间。

b.    生生之间。

Step 3:Homework

1. Copy the new words.

2. Write down Part C.


Unit8 Open Day

What’s in …?

                          There is a\an …

There are some …(B)

Tag:小学英语教案pep小学英语教案,人教版小学英语教案小学英语 - 小学英语教案

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